The overall aim of the aTM projects it to improve the activities and processes that involve the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement, retention and deployment of those employees which are of particular value to Asian HEI in order to create strategic sustainable success.



Benchmarking Analysis Report

This report has three parts. The first one summarizes the results based on a university-level survey with closed questions about the primary talent management practices in the universities involved in the project. The second one shows how academic and non-academic staff understand academic talent in their institutions. These results come from a staff-level survey where 568 staff from Asian Universities answered the entire questionnaire. Finally, the third part shows the identified strengths, barriers, and best practices of Asian and European universities involved in the project.

This report reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Data-Set with Information about Talent and Talent Management

Here, you can find two data-sets and their descriptions. The first one contains the answers about the conceptualization of academic talent and talent management from 104 academic and non-academic staff from several Malaysian Universities. The second one contains the answers about the conceptualization of academic talent and talent management from 464 academic and non-academic staff from several Chinese Universities.

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Slides about Talent Management

Talent Conceptualization – This set of slides presents the foundations about what talent management means, and the conceptual approaches to take into account before defining and developing a strategic talent management plan
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Academic Talent Conceptualization based on LSP – This set of slides presents two specific conceptualizations of academic talent (one from Chinese people, and another for Malaysian people) based on the results of several workshops with the contemporary technique: Lego Serious Play.
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Macro Environment Overview of the Asian HEIs – This set of slides presents a macro-analysis of the Malaysian and Chinese universities that could affect to the development and the implementation of Talent Management practices.
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Recruitment – This set of slides present the foundations of talent recruitment and different approaches to get the expected results. One key element in these slides is to concept Employer Branding and the Employee Value Proposition. At the end, you can find a proposed workshop to define your own talent recruitment strategy.
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Selection - This set of slides present the foundations of talent selection, and several frameworks for evaluating the potential candidates. One interesting contribution is the both university and candidate approach to the selection processes thought the Candidate Journey Map.
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Distance Team Working - This set of slides present the foundations and techniques for managing groups and teams that are not working in the same place. The Covid-19 has showed that the need to change the way how we interact and, in consequence, in the talent management practices around the world.
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Design Thinking - This set of slides present the foundations and main ideas about the use if design thinking. This methodology fits perfectly with the the needs when a university tries to define its talent management practices. It's recommended to use it together with the talent management toolkit for universities.
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Talent Training and Development - This set of slides present the foundations and main ideas about the training and development of the talented employee. The presentation focuses on three parts: the definition of objectives, the importante of communication, and the relationships management.

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Onboarding Process - This set of slides present the foundations and main ideas about the process to create an onboarding process in Higher Education Institutions. This presentation is based on the development of the a employee journey.

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Talent Management Toolkit for Asian Universities

Talent Management Toolkit, version Chinese - 本工具包旨在帮助校长、副校长、院长、系主任和人力资源经理在工作中定义新的人才管理实践;也可以使用这个工具包来培训新的人力资源员工和经理。在这两种情况下,参与者都可以以相同的方式使用工具包。 这个工具包有两个板块:战略板块和战术板块。你可以设计一个以制定战略计划为目标的研讨会,这种情况下只需要使用第一块板。如果你的目标是制定一个行动计划,只能使用第二个。最后,如果你需要为大学制定一个完整的战略和行动计划,可以同时使用这两个板块。该工具包包含八个人才管理实践:吸引、招聘、入职、培训、流动、晋升、绩效管理和离职。如果你只想专注于一个练习,你需要使用的所有卡片的颜色都将与人才管理练习卡片相同。否则,可以组合工具包中的所有卡片。

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Talent Management Toolkit, version English/Malaysian - This toolkit was created to help rectors, vice-rectors, directors of departments, deans of schools, and HR managers to define new talent management practices in workshops; however, people can also use the toolkit for training new HR employees and managers. In both cases, participants can use the toolkit in the same way. This toolkit has two boards: a strategic board, and a tactical board. You can design a workshop where the objective is to develop a strategic plan. In this case, you need to use only the first board. In case that the objetive is to develop an action plan, you can use only the second one. Finally, you can use both boards if you need to develop a complete strategic and action plan for the university.This toolkit contains eight talent management practices: Attraction, Recruitment, Onboarding, Training, Mobility, Promotion, Performance Management, and Offboarding. If you want to focus on just one practice, all cards that you need to use will have the same color as the talent management practice card. If not, you can combine all cards of the toolkit.

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Online Observatory of Talent Management Practices for Asian Universities

The online Observatory of Talent Management Practices in Asian Universities is a place where academics, non-academics, professionals, and any stakeholder can share their knowledge and experiences with the university community.

On the one hand, the observatory compiles a list of best practices on talent management in universities with the necessary information to implement them efficiently. Furthermore, these best practices contain a description of possible barriers to their adoption and metrics for their monitoring. On the other hand, the observatory publishes regular news, academic references, scientific conferences, and practitioner reports about talent management practices in general and in the specific case of universities. 

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